

Many things in your schedule or in the seminar descriptions might look like hieroglyphics when you first get here, but there is a way to decipher all these abbreviations. The A-Journal provides a list with the most important abbreviations in their current issue, and we've copied them onto this blog for you.

E = Einführung (Introductory Seminar)
E/V = Die Kombinationsform Einführung/Vorlesung (a combination of seminar and lecture)
V = Vorlesung (lecture)
IS = Independent Study (in AS/American Studies)
Ü = Übung (exercise)
BAS oder Sprax = Sprachpraktische Veranstaltungen / Fremdsprachliche Kommunikation (Integrated language skills)
S = Seminar
KQ = Kolloquium,
N.N. = nomen niminandum (=Veranstaltungsleiter steht noch nicht fest)
P = Proseminar
PM = Practical module (BA and MA)
PR = Praktikum (Lehramt)
QS = Qualifizierungsseminar

c.t. = cum tempore, (the seminar starts at quarter past the hour)
s.t. = sine tempore: the seminar starts on the hour
SWS = Semesterwochenstunden (hour-count per week (most seminars have 2 SWS))

Abbreviations for locations on Campus:

NG = Nebengebäude (the little annex next to the IG- Farben house)
Cas = Casino (there are seminar rooms on the second floor, facing the IG Farben house)
NM = Neue Mensa (Sozialzentrum Uni-Campus Bockenheim)
HZ = Hörsaal-Zentrum
HoF = House of Finance
PEG = Pädagogik, Erziehungswissenschaften, Gesellschaftswissenschaften; the new building next to the HZ on the right
PG = Präsidiumsgebäude
RuW = Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, next to the HoF
SP = the new seminar pavillon Westend at the corner of Hansaallee and Miquelallee

If there are other abbreviations you'd like us to *translate*, leave a comment and let us know!

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